Thursday, March 19, 2009


Use the type of clause, phrase, or grammar indicated to complete the following sentence; you can add the phrase or clause before or after (not both) to the clause below:

... I have mixed feelings about St. Patrick's Day ...

1. Use a phrase 2. Use a dependent clause 3. Use an independent clause


maya said...

1) this year, I have mixed feelings about St. Patrick's Day.

2) Growing up in Canada to Irish parents; I have mixed feelings about St. Patrick's Day.

3) I have mixed feelings about St. Patrick's Day; I feel that way because I left Ireland on March 17th.

Veronica Baig said...

MAYA: #1--yes, but don't forget the capital letter;#s 2 and 3--excellent:-)

Stephanie said...

1.Today, I have mixed feelings about St. Patrick’s Day.

2.I have mixed feelings about St. Patrick’s Day because now I know the meaning of this holiday.

3. I have mixed feelings about St.Patrick’s Day; I have bitterness toward the Irish.

Saadat said...

1. Every year this time, I have mixed feelings about St. Patrick's Day.

2. Having more knowledge about this holiday, I have mixed feelings about St. Patrick's Day.

3. I have mixed feelings about St. Patrick's Day; I know a lot about this holiday now.

maya said...

This year, I have mixed feelings about St. Patrick's Day.

uzma said...

#1 No one can believe that I have mixed feelings about St. Patrick's Day.
#2 I have mixed feelings about St. Patrick's Day because I am unfamiliar with its history.

#3 I do not know whether I am happy or sad because I have mixed feelings about St. Patrick's Day

Tamara said...

Stephanie and Saddat: Good!

Maya: Yes, that's right now.

Uzma: Generally a phrase doesn't have a subject and a verb the way your first sentence does. The others are good. Thanks for the posting.

uzma said...

Without any doubt,I have mixed feelings about St. Patrick's Day

Veronica Baig said...

UZMA: Much better!