Sunday, December 21, 2008


Correct the errors in the following sentence:

Coming down the hill, we seen the truck driving to fast and couldn't of stopped before hitting a car on the intersection: there were debris laying all over the road.

Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar and listed a year previous to their date of posting.


maya said...

Coming down the hill, we saw the truck driving too fast and it could not stop before hitting a car on the intersection: there was debris lieing all over the road.

uzma said...

Coming down the hill, we saw the truck driving too fast, that could not stop before hitting a car on the intersection and there was debris lying all over the road.

Tamara said...

Maya: Very close. There's just one punctuation mistake.

Uzma: Good first attempt! The first half of the sentence has a punctuation mistake and an awkward sentence structure.

uzma said...

Coming down the hill we saw the truck driving too fast, it could not stop before hitting a car on the intersection and there was debris lying all over the road.

Tamara said...

Uzma: Better! There's still a punctuation mistake where a new sentence (with a new subject and verb) begins.

uzma said...

Coming down the hill; we saw the truck driving too fast, it could not stop before hitting a car on the intersection and there was debris lying all over the road.

Veronica Baig said...

UZMA: Tha's not the problem;-) Don't use a semicolon after a phrase--use it between two independent clauses;-) Also think about who or what is coming down the hill.

uzma said...

Coming down the hill we saw the truck driving too fast, it could not stop before hitting a car on the intersection and there was debris lying all over the road.

uzma said...

Coming down the hill we saw the truck driving too fast, that it could not stop before hitting a car on the intersection and there was debris lying all over the road.

Veronica Baig said...

UZMA: Okay, but I didn't say you didn't need any punctuation there, and you do need a semicolon elsewhere;-)

uzma said...

Coming down the hill, we saw the truck driving too fast; that it could not stop before hitting a car on the intersection and there was debris lying all over the road.

Veronica Baig said...

UZMA: There's still a little problem with punctuation, but now you have confused two different grammatical structures,"too fast" and "so fast that".