Thursday, May 8, 2008


Correct the errors in the following sentence:

Me and my sister only think that a person travelling to a foreign country should learn a little of a language of those countries to speak easier with the people living their.

Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.

Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions of the Week; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.


dececcokm said...

My sister and I feel that a person travelling to a foreign country should learn to speak a little of the countries language to make communication with the local residence easier.

saraw said...

My sister and I think that a person travelling to foreign countries should learn the language of those countries in order to speak easily with the people living there.

roxannefr2 said...

My sister and I think that a person travelling to a foreign country should learn some of the language of those countries in order to communicate easily with the people living there.

kerry said...

My sister and I think that a person travelling to foreign countries should learn a little of the language of those countries to communicate easily with the people living there.

kelly0584 said...

My sister and I believe that a person travelling to a foreign country should familiarize themselves with the language of those countries in order to communicate more easily with the people living there.

Veronica Baig said...

Kayleigh: You have the right odea here, but check word form/confusion and use of the possessive;-)
Sara: A very good attempt--there is just one item that is a little confusing.
Roxanne & Kerry: Excellent;-)
Kelly: A good start--now check noun-pronoun agreement;-)

Daniela said...

My sister and I think that a person travelling to a foreign country should learn to speak the local language in order to communicate with the local people.

Anonymous said...

My sister and I think that a person traveling to foreign countries should learn the language of those countries to communicate easily with the people living there.

Veronica Baig said...

Daniella: That's a good way of doing it:-)
Rupinder: Good, but there is small chance of misinterpreting that when you make "language" singular;-)

Carole said...

My sister and I think that a person travelling to a foreign country should learn how to communicate with the people living there by learning their languages.

Veronica Baig said...

Carole: That's quite good, but there is an asumption that a country has more than one language;-)