proclivity (noun) + obsessive (adjective)
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This blog is for students registered in Engl 177 at Athabasca University
On Nytol Sleep Aid -- "Warning: May cause drowsiness."
He has proclivity to stick to his work more than needed which gives an obsessive image to others.
His obsessive personality gave the proclivity to do his work.
His obsessive personality gave the proclivity,to do his work.
May 14, 2010 9:13
Her proclivity for organization was bordering on obsessive.
Barak Obama and its lobby work with almost obsessive proclivity to reform the country's Health Care system.
The obsessive man has a proclivity to drunkenness.
My proclivity for reading and writing poetry turned to an obsessive daily routine.
WOOK JIN: Yes, but note that it should be "a proclivity".
JAYA:Yes, but it would be better if you wrote "give him ...". The first attempt is better.
MEGHAN: Yes, but it should be "the obsessive."
JULIE: yes, but note that it should be "his lobby". Also note the spelling error;-)
STEPHANIE:Nicely done:-)
SAADAT:Good work:-)
His obsessive personality gave him the proclivity to do his work.
JAYA: thank you:-)
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