Sunday, June 29, 2008


Correct the errors in the following sentence overheard in the supermarket:

A visitor to Vietnam must to remember taking their anti-malaria medicine regular to be affective preventing them from sickness and it would spoil the trip.

Remember that there is more than one possible correct answer.

Note: you can still see previous Grammar Questions of the Week; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.


Anonymous said...

All visitors to Vietnam must remember to take their anti-malaria medication regularly for it to be effective from sickness and spoiling their their trip.

Veronica Baig said...

Rupinder: Almost there--'effective from sickness' doesn't work;-)

Daniela said...

A visitor to Vietnam must remember to take their anti-malaria medicine regularly for it to be effective in preventing the visitor from getting sick and spoiling his or her trip.

Veronica Baig said...

Daniela: You're ont he right track here--now check nouns and pronouns for agreement;-)

Anonymous said...

Peter's answer:

Visitors in Vietnam must take their anti-malaria medicine on a regular basis to prevent the disease from spoiling their trip.

Veronica Baig said...

Peter: That's a good solution.