Monday, November 10, 2008

PUZZLE, Nov. 10th, 2009

Congratulations to Abby who solved last week's puzzle. The answer was:

Two Words
1. Spirit shaper Parish priest
2. Poles gather a report Telegraph operators

Three words (two jobs, middle word is "and")
3. Mass dress alteration Seamstress and tailor

This week:
Five words that contain GU as a letter-pair have had all of their other letters except one removed and placed into a pool. Put those letters back in their proper places. What are the words?

M*GU*, GU*T**, J*GU**, D**GU*, P**GU**

Pool: A, A, A, E, E, E, I, I, L, N, N, N, O, R, R,


Abby Heiser said...

Mogul, Guitar, Jaguar, Dengue, Penguin!

Okay, so I had never heard of "dengue" but those were the leftover letters. It sounded like a word, I goggled it, apparently its a type of fever!?!?

Veronica Baig said...

ABBY: Congratulations--yes, it's a mosquito borne disease of the tropics; it's similar to malaria but worse.