Monday, October 6, 2008


Learning to combine ideas into more complex sentences is an important skill in writing. There are many ways to do this--many possible bonus points! Try to combine the following three sentences.

Sentence 1: It’s time to think about turkeys and winter comfort food.
Sentence 2: It’s the time when many people start to increase their weight as they eat big meals and generally over indulge.
Sentence 3: It’s also the time to remember all the things that we have to be thankful for not least of which is an abundance of good and nutritious food.

Check the archives for previous questions and answers.


Daniela said...

It’s time to think about turkeys and winter comfort food; when many people increase their weight eating big meals and over indulge; to remember all that we should be thankful for not least of which is an abundance of good and nutritious food.

Veronica Baig said...

Daniela: Yes, it's one sentence, but this isn't working well for you--'when introduces a dependent clause, so you can't use the semicolon there, and it also doesn't work before an introductory infinitive.

Daniela said...

This is the time when people think about turkeys and winter comfort food and when their weight increases by eating big meals and over indulging; however, it's also the time to remember all that we should be thankful for not least of which is an abundance of good and nutritious food.

Veronica Baig said...

Daniela: That's better:-)