Welcome to the English 177 Blog.
The goal is to increase the communication between students and instructors, and also provide you with an opportunity to communicate with each other. If you post general questions about the assignments or the course, they will be answered in the blog. If you have detailed questions you want answered, then e-mail your instructor.
Click here for the course syllabus.
Thank you for the welcome....
thanks alot for welcoming this course.
I like the idea and I look forward to contributing.
Veronica or others can you please explain this Moodle... where to go how to use it etc.. i am so confused!
Just a little note to introduce myself. My name is Jeanne and I am new to the course. As this is my first foray into University level education I will most likely be using this blog quite a bit!
Can someone please explain the bonus point thing ?
Hi Karen: You can earn bonus points with your responses to the exercises on the blog: Grammar Question, Sentence Completion, Vocabulary, Sentence Combination, and the Half-Way There Challenge. Up to 5 points can be awarded and added to the next assignment that you do. Each week, I add up who has earned what bonus points and forward that information to the tutors. It works something like a participation mark.The exercises usually change each week on a Monday, and your tutor will notify you when a new version is ready. I encourage you to participate:-)
Thank you for the welcome. I look forward to participating in this blog :)
I'm so happy to start with you
sorry for being late
i'll do my best to earn bonus points for the first assigment
I'm quite new to this method of study. This is to check the posting.
Assignment 3. Question about directions.
Hello everyone. Could any of you ,please, help me with one of the direction given for Assignment 3?
It is related to direction "b". It is about "compare immigration to Canada since 1867 with immigration to antoher country (with which you are familiar) for the same time period. To do so, I will need to reserch of find information in other sources different to that provided in this course. However, in the section or point 8, says: Use the resource provided in this unit; you are not expected to research extra material." So, what shold I do in order to perform my task? Thank you in advance.
Hi everyone! I'm glad to work with you all and thx for the welcoming message!
Hi. I'm a little lost here because I have not had time to read over everything. I think I want to join the internet option for Assign 3, 6, 9 but I'm not really sure what it's about. I will start reading over the material very soon. Sorry for my ignorance.
Daniela: Don't worry about it--by the time you are ready to do those assignments, check and sign up on the blog and then see if sufficient other students also want to do the assignment at the same time as you. Good luck with the course.
How do I change my display name from michsara to Daniela
Hi Daniella:
Judging from your subsequent posts to the activities on the blog, I think you have solved the problem;-)
I am really beginning to enjoy posting to the various exercises in this blog. Thanks for this - it is fun and educational.
I hope to receive bonus points from it as it seems I will need them.
I am Marian, This is the first time I have ever used a blog, fora any purpose.
Thank you for the welcome.
Thanks for the note, Marian, and welcome to the blog! I hope doing something new like this is fun and interesting for you. I look forward to connecting with you here on the blog! Best, Tamara
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